Friday, April 11, 2008

Forgetting to pay....

We have this great vendor at the front gate of our university that makes tortillas. It is great fun to watch him make them. They can make them plain or with an egg cooked inside. They are both delicious. One Sunday I was purchasing some to take for our fellowship time. I ordered them and then the girl bagged them up for me. I took them, thanked her and went on my merry way. I heard someone calling out. I turned to see what was going on. Little did I know that the shouting was for me. The tortilla man was rubbing his fingers together as if to say, "Where's my money?!?!" I was so embarrassed and quickly returned to apologize for my blunder. Everyone laughed as I paid and offered my apologies again. I don't know if I'm getting older or if living in a foreign country is making me more forgetful. Whatever the reason, I'm glad I can laugh about it and make others laugh in the process.

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