Saturday, November 04, 2006

Do Band-Aids Really Make Everything All Better?

I attended my teacher's wedding a week ago today and was looking forward to my first chance at seeing all of the different cultural aspects. I had also been asked to give some wedding wishes to the bride and groom. As many of you know, I usually have things happen to me that make me feel like I am in a movie or something. I often wonder, "Do other people have things like this happen to them?" Our classes were to meet at our classroom building (a 15 minute walk) and then walk to the wedding (a 20 minute walk) together with another teacher. Well, the heels that I have aren't made for walking. Here, everybody is always carrying a bag of some type. So, I got the bright idea that I would wear my tennis shoes with my skirt and change once I got to the hotel. Women in New York do it, right? So, I took my heels in a bag. Well, I went to the classroom building and waited for my classmates to arrive. As stupid as I felt, I was much more comfortable than I would have been if I would have been wearing the heels. As we began walking towards the wedding, a friend yelled at me to come back to where she was. She told me that I had a huge hole in the back of my hose. This was no runner, my friends, but a full-fledged hole with runners going in different directions. And it just so happened that it was right at my calf. No way to even try to hide it. Well, I walked in the back of the group all of the way to the wedding. Tennis shoes, hole, and all. Then we got there and the bride and groom were in the lobby and immediately wanted to take our picture. I tried to hide my feet so the tennis shoes would not be in the picture. Then, I ran and hid so I could put on my heels. We went upstairs to the bathroom and tried to decide what to do with the hole. I had brought a Band-aid for my feet in case I got blisters. So my mind went to the fact that I had a Band-Aid that I could use. My friend helped me pull the hole together and I put a flesh-colored Band-Aid over the hole. No, I can't believe I did it either. Don't ask me why I didn't just take off the hose. After the whole tennis shoe, hole in the hose, and the fact that in a matter of minutes I would be standing in front of a room full of Asians, I was a little flustered. Thank goodness the tables were close together and the area where I was to make my short speech was not a horrible distance in front of the tables themselves. I wondered if they all thought. "Is this some new American style?" So, if you start seeing people wearing flesh colored Band-Aids over their hose on the back of one of their legs, it started here first. Band-Aids may not make everything all better, but they sure can help pull some things together.

1 comment:

Hillary said...

Well, Regina, I thought of you a couple weeks ago when I had to give a presentation to undergraduate nursing students. I was nervous, and just before I got up to speak I looked down and had two different shoes on!! Luckily they were the same shoe just a different color-one black and one brown. The room was dark so I don't think anyone noticed-at least I hope not! Too bad I don't have a nifty little picture of it to post like you had!