Sunday, October 07, 2007

Recent Trip...

On a recent trip outside our city we saw many beautiful sights. Check out the pics below.

Breathtaking scenery!

Can't take Kentucky out of the girl!

Pine trees and snow. Too much like Christmas!

Who needs a pooper scooper when you have a pooper catcher!

Choosing my horse for the next Kentucky Derby!

Father's amazing beauty in His creation!

When you gotta go, nothing can stop you!

Considering all His hands have made!

Riding on a horse pulled cart. A ton of fun!

Corn Anyone?

In my host country the snacks here are different. When I think of our traditional American snacks, I think of potato chips, candy bars, snack cakes, candy, nachos, etc... You get the idea. Well, here it is not a strange thing to see people munching on sweet potatoes or an ear of corn while waiting on the bus or going shopping. I find such humor in this because it is so unusual. My friends and I recently took a bus trip to a nearby mountain ouside the city. On our return trip, we pulled up to a stop light. I looked out and saw a street vendor selling roasted corn. I saw one of our bus passengers open her window and yell out, "How much?" She actually bought two ears of corn through the window before the bus pulled out once again. She broke the ears into four pieces and she and three of her friends enjoyed a nice snack on our ride back into town. Cultural differences still amaze me:)